Longe-côte - Pilates - Yoga

Who am I?


Nandini, Pilates and Longe-côte instructor in La Trinité-sur-mer

Hatha Yoga teacher (Sivananda school), Nandini specialized in Pilates in the 2000s after training at A-lyn Pilates. Rigged by the FPMP (federation of pilates method professionals), Nandini has taught in many Parisian studios (Chaps, Studio Keller, Espace Oxygène, Studio Marga, gymnasium of the city of Paris, etc.).

FPMP approval number: 4790-1317

Professional card of sports animator.


Longe-coast 2022_Championnat of Brittany Settled in Trinidad for 5 years, Nandini was immediately passionate about the long-coast. After training at the FFRandonnée, she became in 2022 vice-champion of the 50 m solo longe-côte pagaie de Bretagne (master category). It is therefore this longe-côte that she teaches parallel to the M.A. (water walk)* within his association Nandini waves Danse. In collaboration with Remi Dupin, holder of the BNSSA. * to learn more about the difference between the longe-côte and the M.A., read the article:



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